Surgical Procedures
Providing high-quality surgical care in a stress-free and relaxing environment.
Our surgical suites are equipped to perform a wide variety of surgical procedures from routine ovariohysterectomies (spays) and neuters, to abdominal exploratories, bowel resections, thoracic surgery and orthopedic procedures such as cruciate and fracture repairs.
Our anesthesia department utilizes the latest anesthetics and techniques to ensure the highest level of safety for your pet. Preanesthetic evaluation and blood testing is always a critical component of a safe and effective protocol. Our team is very experienced at safely providing anesthesia to both high risk and low risk patients. We are always happy to discuss your pet’s anesthetic needs with you! Monitoring during anesthesia is also a critical component to a safe procedure and includes the utilization of an EKG, respiratory monitor, end tidal CO2 and pulse oximetetry during surgery. A carefully trained veterinary technician (nurse anesthetist) continuously monitors these and additional vitals functions working hand in hand with the surgeon performing the procedure.
Below are some of our surgical procedures we offer:
Spay & Neuter Procedures
Help your pet live a long, healthy life.
Advanced Soft Tissue Surgery
Surgery on eyes, ears, throat and lungs.
Orthopedic Pet Surgery
Broken and fractured bone repair.